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Sorry, this entry is only available in French.
Sorry, this entry is only available in French.
Today I want to talk to you about a jewelry brand I was told about last week : Stella & Dot
I was instantly taken with the concept, the pieces, and I’m sure you’ll love it too.
Stella & Dot was born in 2004 from the mind of an american woman who loves jewels. She wears a lot of them and her friends often asked her where they came from, tips, stuff like that. Stella & Dot was born this way, at first with pieces she created herself, then the adventure was on the rise.
Why do I like Stella & Dot ?
First, you gotta admit the jewels are gorgeous, right now there are several designers with different tastes and universes who are working on the collections, so everyone can find jewelry according to their taste.
And also the jewels are well thought for everybody, which really appealed to me. The necklaces always have several clasps for different neck sizes, same goes for the bracelets, they come with extensions you can choose to keep or not. No more worries for wide wrists. Same goes for the rings, they’re all extensible, and not using metal bits that go into your skin, no they’re tested before so they’re comfortable.
Some necklaces can be worn in different ways thanks to multiple rows, pieces you can clip on, different lengths from chain to choker. Like this “Casablanca” design for instance.
The jewels are also guaranteed nickel and lead-free, made by craftspeople and hand-made. Very high quality jewels, high end but at reasonable prices.
And did you see the packaging ? The boxes in which we received these little wonders are adorable, they’re pretty gift-wrapped parcels to get for yourself or simply to give to someone. With the holidays coming up, I think there are quite a few women in your circle you could spoil with these.
Another thing that touches me : Stella & Dot has signed an american charter against the work of children, forced labor, modern slavery, so you can be sure that your jewels have not been put together by a little girl in a sordid factory in India. And it matters, no need to remind you of the tragedies that are still taking place everyday in the factories that work for Zara or H&M for example.
Finally, one last thing (yes, it’s a long post, you will have realized that this topic really interests me), I opened a shop on Stella & Dot on which you’ll be able to find all of the brand’s jewels (right here). It’s not reserved to me because you can do it too, you can become a “stylist”, wear these jewels and talk about them to your circle, create your own network. It’s pretty easy, everything is explained on the website, you start with a base of jewels like my selection for example and bam, this adventure is now yours too. You can join my team by listing me as a sponsor for instance, “StephanieZwicky”.
I hope you’ll like these jewels as much as I do, you’ll often see them as accessories in my outfits.
Enjoy your visit !
I have a bit of an addiction for sunglasses and I jealously keep quite a collection in a large drawer.
Most of my sunglasses come from online shops and I rarely (until now never, phew) make a mistake when I order sunglasses.
So I thought that you could use a little recap and a few tips about ordering glasses online.
1° How to choose the frame
Of course there’s no definitive rule, you know how I hate that, they’re more guidelines you can follow if you’re hesitating.
for a round face : give priority to the more geometrical lines (straight or tilted) like rectangular frames or a “cat’s eye” style for instance.
for an oval face : choose the frames that go down on your cheeks, they will restore the balance of your face, the aviator shape for example.
for a more elongated face : if you have a large forehead for example, big frames will dress your face, the retro shape like the “fly’s eye” type.
Note that rounded frames will give you more of a young, sweet look, and on the contrary straighter, more geometrical frames will give you character and confidence in your look.
2° How to choose your protection
Check your frames for the CE seal of approval, this logo is often written in white caps and shows that the product is conform to the European Community’s requirements.
Not everybody knows that but the solar protection factor of your lenses is written on your glasses. It’s the number next to the CE mention.
The category 0 means no sunbeams are filtered.
The categories 1 and 2 are adapted to medium and weak levels of luminosity.
The categories 3 and 4 are for strong sunbeams, like at the beach or the mountain. The category 3 is the one you’ll find the most. And it’s not recommended to drive wearing category 4 sunglasses.
3° How to measure your frames
It’s the safest way to choose your glasses and be sure they will fit you.
Take a tape measure or a ruler and your favorite sunglasses. Almost all of the online shops show the precise measures of the frame in millimeters, all you have to do then is compare the dimensions with your pair. Don’t forget to use the length of your bows. It can be very useful if you have to adjust the holding at ear level.
If you have a nose located a little below the line of the eyes, or a very thin nose, choose glasses with nose pads you’ll be able to adjust at your convenience.
Last tip : enter the exact reference of your future sunglasses on Google Image, that way you’ll be able to see other people with different types of faces wearing these sunglasses.
Have these explanations been helpful to you ? If that’s the case here’s a little contest in partnership with Sunglasses Shop.
Try and win a pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses of your choosing !
It’s easy to participate, tell me your favorite design of Ray-Ban sunglasses (HERE) in a commentary down below, no need to put the link, the name will be enough.
You have until Monday 9/8/14, midnight.
Good luck to all of you !
La semaine passée je vous parlais de mon week-end en Perigord où j’ai passé quelques jours en famille dans un très joli gîte tout équipé. Malheureusement le temps ne m’a pas permis de faire quelques brasses dans la piscine qui me tendait pourtant les bras. Arf foutu temps j’avais pourtant tout prévu.
La Dordogne quelle jolie région, je ne connaissais pas du tout sauf de réputation et c’est avec plaisir que j’ai découvrir une sublime région de France. A environ 500km de Paris c’est une escapade parfaite pour les longs week-ends ou les futures vacances qui s’approchent (oh oui).
Le gîte “La Grange aux Peupliers” se situe à Cendrieux le berceau de la fraise du Périgord si j’en crois toutes les serres que j’ai croisé aux alentours. Des fraisiers à perte de vue avec d’opulents fruits rouges qui pendouillent j’aurai volontiers joué à la chapardeuse.
De la Dordogne je connaissais évidemment la gastronomie, inutile de vous rappeler le foie gras, la truffe noire, la noix et la fraise qui en font une région encore plus attrayante.
Last week, I was telling you about my weekend in le Périgord where I spent a few days with my family in a lovely cottage. Unfortunately the weather didn’t allow me to enjoy the swimming-pool which I had all for myself. Bloody weather! I had everything prepared!
What a beautiful region Dordogne is, I didn’t know it before only by its reputation. It was with great pleasure I discovered a beautiful region of France. At approximately 500km from Paris it’s a perfect getaway for long weekends or future holidays (soon, yes!).
The cottage “La Grange aux Peupliers” is located at Cendrieux, the birthplace of the Périgord’s strawberry, well from all greenhouses I saw in the surroundings. Strawberry plants as far as the eye can see and I can tell you the fruits were big, I would have gladly rob a few!
Of the region Dordogne I obviously knew the gastronomy, useless to mention foie gras, the truffe noire, walnuts and strawberries which make it an even more attractive place!
Pour se déplacer mieux vaut avoir une voiture car même si les distances ne sont pas très longues entre les principaux sites à visiter, la région n’est pas très bien desservie en transports publics. Bon perso j’y étais en voiture c’est parfait, j’ai pu emmener toute ma petite famille, y compris Bahia qui s’est éclatée dans le grand parc du gîte. Ce n’est pas une évidence sur la photo que j’ai pris d’elle je vous l’accorde.
En 4 jours j’ai profité de visiter la jolie ville de Brantôme, je vous en parlais ici, et Sarlat-la-Canéda. Deux adorables villes où il fait bon se balader en flânant dans les rues.
En fin de billet au dessous des photos je partage avec vous quelques bonnes adresses de la région. N’hésitez pas à ajouter les vôtres je pense que cela peut être très utile. Pour tous les restaurants je vous conseille d’appeler avant pour réserver votre table, nous avons fait la malheureuse expérience le jeudi de notre arrivée à devoir faire des km pour trouver un restaurant qui n’affichait pas complet.
Je pense retourner dans cette région afin de mieux la découvrir et profiter d’avantage des extérieurs et des multiples visites que propose la région. Merci aux lectrices qui m’ont indiqué des bonnes adresses, je n’ai pas pu tout tester mais vous m’avez donné envie de revenir très bientôt.
D’ailleurs si vous désirez découvrir la région Dordogne ou la Drôme vous pouvez tenter votre chance, Rambol lance un grand jeu afin de gagner un week-end gourmand pour 10 personnes, ici.
To move around it’s better to have a car even if every sites is quite close to one another, the region does not offer a lot of public transports. Personally I was there with my car so it was perfect, I was able to bring my whole family including Bahia who had a blast in the cottage’s park. It’s not obvious on the photo I took of her, I’ll give you that.
In four days I enjoyed the beautiful city of Brantôme (told you about it here) and also of Sarlat-la-Canéda. Two lovely cities where it feels good to take walks and enjoy what’s around you.
At the end of this post right below the photos you can find some good spots of this region. Don’t hesitate and add yours, I think it would be great. For the restaurants I advise you make reservations, we unfortunately had to drive a long time to find a restaurant that was not full when we arrived on Thursday.
I think I’ll come back in this region to discover it even more and enjoy the nature and all the sites that can be visited. Thanks to my lovely readers who shared with me their tips and good spots. I couldn’t try everything but it makes me want to come back.
By the way if you want to discover la Dordogne or la Drôme, the website Rambol is having a competition where you can try your luck and perhaps win a yummy weekend for 10 persons.
Et vous la Dordogne/Périgord vous connaissez?
What about you: do you know the regions of Dordogne and Périgord?
L’Abbaye de Brantôme
Les serres à fraisiers de Cendrieux
Le gîte
Du Pécharmant (charmant), des noix et du foie gras
Bahia qui déborde de bonheur
Les délices des Frères Charbonnel
De la conserve qui tient au corps
Le parc du gîte
Le goûter local, pâté, Rambol et Bordeaux
Un BBQ même sous la pluie
La piscine du gîte
Quelques adresses :
Où loger:
Au gîte “La Grange aux Peupliers”Cendrieux
site link Où manger: Les Frères Charbonnel
24310 Brantôme
57 rue Gambetta —————————- La Petite Borie
12 rue Tourny
24200 Sarlat-la-Canéda
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